Using Pneumatic hub at non-default address

This is a slightly off topic question, but not too far off.
How can we use the PCH if we decide to use an alternate CAN ID? For example, if one of our SparkMax’s is set to CAN ID 1, then the PCH needs to be on a different CAN ID, say 25 for the sake of argument. How do we get the code to control the PCH at that ID?
(Sorry, I am not experienced in this area of code writing.) BTW, we use JAVA.

This actually isn’t true. The full CAN ID is more than just the device ID you specify. The full spec is covered in the docs here: FRC CAN Device Specifications — FIRST Robotics Competition documentation

In short, you’re free to keep everything at ID 1 so long as they’re all different devices (Roborio, PDH, SparkMax, PH, TalonSRX, etc).


Thanks Fletch. Honestly I had no clue this was the case. As I said, this is the first year I am taking on the role of programming mentor. I am learning SO MUCH! At least I now I have one more thing I can teach and understand.

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No problem. Everyone starts somewhere!