Using robotdrive in 2 commands

I am using one Subsystem that has methods for driving based on encoders and driving based on double input. I have been doing some scrounging and borrowed some code from various places.
the subsystem looks like this


the commands used are DriveWithJoystick and DriveToDistance
DriveToDistance (this one doesnt do anything i commented out the autodrive part)

Im stumped because when i deploy my code to the robot it gives a null pointer exception at the lines that reference the mechanum part

[cRIO] java.lang.NullPointerException
[cRIO]     at
[cRIO]     at

Anything else needed to solve the problem i can put into a pastebin but i dont know how to get around using the drive in 2 places.

Using one subsystem in multiple commands is the correct usage pattern - there’s no need to get around it.

The problem is that in your DriveTrain constructor, you declare and instantiate a local RobotDrive object instead of initializing the member variable. The quickest fix is just to remove the data type, i.e. change:

RobotDrive drive = new RobotDrive(RobotMap.frontLeftMotor, RobotMap.rearLeftMotor, RobotMap.frontRightMotor, RobotMap.rearRightMotor);


drive = new RobotDrive(RobotMap.frontLeftMotor, RobotMap.rearLeftMotor, RobotMap.frontRightMotor, RobotMap.rearRightMotor);

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And the same change should be applied to the enc variable.

Thank you very much! I will be testing it shortly.