Using the Jetson TK1 with LabView (sort of)

Hello, everyone–
This is my second year in the FRC, and I have been slammed to the top of the programming team by a matter of circumstance. It was originally out of curiosity that I installed LabView on my personal gaming PC (which is a very hardcore budget PC, but that’s another topic), and continued noodling around like I had been during the last offseason. At the next team practice, I learned that I was the only team member who had access to a programming platform. I only know LabView, and just enough Arduino C++ to get by.

The arrival of our Jetson TK1 gave us quite the idea: Shouldn’t it be possible to program the JTK1 in Java, and have it feed the results of the image processing to the RoboRIO over some form of serial communication?

Good news is, I’m no longer the only one programming, since now we have someone on the Jeston as well.

Short answer is yes it is. I recommend the RS-232 connection. I’m also %900 sure someone else here has done this exact thing very successfully. See:


While it would be possible to program some vision code in Java, to utilize the GPU of the Jetson TK1 and all of the opencv customization NVIDIA built into the OpenCVforTegra you would need to use C++.

For communications there are many options.

I’ve used udp. works a treat

Could you possibly share your UDP code? That’s what I’m trying to use and I’m struggling with it