Using the "Team Use" TCP ports

FRC allows the use of TCP ports 5800-5810 for our team use. I would like to use them to send arbitrary data from my driver station laptop, to the roboRIO. This may sound trivial at first, write a TCP client on the driver station, write a server on the roboRIO, and start sending data.

There is a problem with this though:
The address of the roboRIO is determined by DCHP. This makes it impossible to know for sure what address to connect to from the laptop. I think the driver station software gets around this by using mDNS, but there’s no support for mDNS in something like winsock.

Along with this, I can’t find anywhere in the documentation how to run code asynchronously, which is required for blocking network code.

I also can’t find any WPI support for networking, although there seems to be some standard Linux networking that works.

Here is my code on both ends, both are taken almost entirely from examples:



#include <WinSock2.h>
#include <WS2tcpip.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

// link with Ws2_32.lib
#pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib")

#define DEFAULT_PORT "5805" 

class Remote {
	Remote(char* servername)
		szServerName = servername;
		ConnectSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;

	bool Start() {
		WSADATA wsaData;

		// Initialize Winsock
		int iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);
		if (iResult != 0)
			printf("WSAStartup failed: %d
", iResult);
			return false;

		printf("WSA Started up
		struct addrinfo	*result = NULL,
			*ptr = NULL,

		ZeroMemory(&hints, sizeof(hints));
		hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
		hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
		hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;

		// Resolve the server address and port
		iResult = getaddrinfo(szServerName, DEFAULT_PORT, &hints, &result);
		if (iResult != 0)
			printf("getaddrinfo failed: %d
", iResult);
			return false;

		printf("Got the address...

		ptr = result;

		// Create a SOCKET for connecting to server
		ConnectSocket = socket(ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype, ptr->ai_protocol);

		if (ConnectSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
			printf("Error at socket(): %d
", WSAGetLastError());
			return false;
		printf("Made a socket

		// Connect to server
		iResult = connect(ConnectSocket, ptr->ai_addr, (int)ptr->ai_addrlen);

		if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR)
			ConnectSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;


		if (ConnectSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
			printf("Unable to connect to server!
			return false;

		printf("Connected to the server

		return true;

	// Free the resouces
	void Stop() {
		int iResult = shutdown(ConnectSocket, SD_SEND);

		if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR)
			printf("shutdown failed: %d
", WSAGetLastError());


	// Send message to server
	bool Send(char* szMsg)

		int iResult = send(ConnectSocket, szMsg, strlen(szMsg), 0);

		if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR)
			printf("send failed: %d
", WSAGetLastError());
			return false;

		return true;

	// Receive message from server
	bool Recv()
		char recvbuf[DEFAULT_BUFFER_LENGTH];
		int iResult = recv(ConnectSocket, recvbuf, DEFAULT_BUFFER_LENGTH, 0);

		if (iResult > 0)
			memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
			strncpy(msg, recvbuf, iResult);

			printf("Received: %s
", msg);

			return true;

		return false;

	char* szServerName;
	SOCKET ConnectSocket;


#define MAX_SIZE 50

	// Two socket descriptors which are just integer numbers used to access a socket
	int sock_descriptor, conn_desc;

	// Two socket address structures - One for the server itself and the other for client
	struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, client_addr;

	// Buffer to store data read from client
	char buff[MAX_SIZE];

	// Create socket of domain - Internet (IP) address, type - Stream based (TCP) and protocol unspecified
	// since it is only useful when underlying stack allows more than one protocol and we are choosing one.
	// 0 means choose the default protocol.
	sock_descriptor = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

	// A valid descriptor is always a positive value
	if (sock_descriptor < 0)
		printf("Failed creating socket

	// Initialize the server address struct to zero
	bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));

	// Fill server's address family
	serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;

	// Server should allow connections from any ip address
	serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

	// 16 bit port number on which server listens
	// The function htons (host to network short) ensures that an integer is interpretted
	// correctly (whether little endian or big endian) even if client and server have different architectures
	serv_addr.sin_port = htons(5805);

	// Attach the server socket to a port. This is required only for server since we enforce
	// that it does not select a port randomly on it's own, rather it uses the port specified
	// in serv_addr struct.
	if (bind(sock_descriptor, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr))
			< 0)
		printf("Failed to bind

	// Server should start listening - This enables the program to halt on accept call (coming next)
	// and wait until a client connects. Also it specifies the size of pending connection requests queue
	// i.e. in this case it is 5 which means 5 clients connection requests will be held pending while
	// the server is already processing another connection request.
	listen(sock_descriptor, 5);

	SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Waiting for connection...",1);
	printf("Waiting for connection...
	unsigned int size = sizeof(client_addr);

	// Server blocks on this call until a client tries to establish connection.
	// When a connection is established, it returns a 'connected socket descriptor' different
	// from the one created earlier.
	conn_desc = accept(sock_descriptor, (struct sockaddr *) &client_addr,
	if (conn_desc == -1)
		printf("Failed accepting connection

	// The new descriptor can be simply read from / written up just like a normal file descriptor
	if (read(conn_desc, buff, sizeof(buff) - 1) > 0)
		printf("Received %s", buff);

		printf("Failed receiving


I know this doesn’t answer your question, but you might want to take a look at NetworkTables and/or the SmartDashboard. They make communication between the DS and robot really easy without worrying about debugging network code. Even if you do not want to use the SmartDashboard, you can create your own tables for use in custom applications.

You can give your roboRIO a static IP address through the roboRIO Webdashboard. Then, you can just access the roboRIO through this IP address. mDNS should still work, so I don’t think it will break anything.

I’m just wondering but why are you using two servers? TCP is bi-directional. If you really want to, you can thread your server and establish an incoming and outgoing connection.
5800-5810 are the only ports that you can use on the RoboRIO. The rest are firewalled off. I’m not sure about networked coprocessors. I’m sure that there are no restrictions on those. The FMS might not even care about them even being there. Just to be on the safe side, just use 5800-5810 on all devices.

mDNS should work through winsock.

Have you tried it? I don’t use C++ or Winsock, so I can’t check it myself. I thought the mDNS support installed on the Driver Station computer would be usable by the getaddrinfo() function.

Thanks for your replies guys!

I thought static IP addresses could only be given through the router, which is reset at the beginning of competitions, but assigning it through the roboRIO will do the trick.

About the port numbers, I saw that the server code running on the roboRIO opens a new port for incoming connections, which would most likely end up being blocked by the firewall. Would it make more sense to wait for a connection on the driver station end? That would allow the port for outbound connections from the roboRIO to be known and assigned to. I’m not super experienced with network code, but optimally I’ll find a way to make a P2P connection.

As for network tables, I decided against them because, as I understand it, you would need an additional library to access them. Network tables also come with bandwidth overhead, and I’ve run into a race condition with them before.

Thanks again!