UTC New England Regional

Just to let everyone know the Aztechs, Technoticks, and Kilowatz won the UTC regional

a.k.a 157, 236, and 782

yup we sure did but all the robots that went up against us put up a great show and all the matches wer close ane non-stop action. what a great regional.

*Originally posted by PureMachine4 *
**yup we sure did but all the robots that went up against us put up a great show and all the matches wer close ane non-stop action. what a great regional. **

I have to totally agree with you there. This regional’s finals were soooo intense it was crazy. I was so surprised when the rage and paragon alliance went down. The matches were ridiculously good. I haven’t been that excited watching a regionals finals since I first started FIRST in 2000 with my high school team.

*Originally posted by Ricksta121 *
**571 made a stack of 6 which not many teams can do. 236 is consistant as usual.

oh and another thing: moderators need to watch themsleves. three matches resulted in dqs because mentors did stuff they werent supposed to. one match (actually 2 but the refs didnt see it) the mentor from 19 acted as a human player. Then 157’s mentor played with the sticks when their robot stopped working. **

sorry, but I just have to do it just to make sure no rumors go around. The mentor on one team was not the human player. One of the students accidentally put on the mentor pin and the ref noticed. And the other mentor did not touch the joy sticks, he stepped in to driver zone pointed at the controler hitting it with his finger, he was not tring to drive it. Just making things clear.

*Originally posted by Rurouni *
**I have to totally agree with you there. This regional’s finals were soooo intense it was crazy. I was so surprised when the rage and paragon alliance went down. The matches were ridiculously good. I haven’t been that excited watching a regionals finals since I first started FIRST in 2000 with my high school team. **

yeah, we accidentally wired one of our motors backwards during a last minute repair right before the match, so we couldn’t actually move. Rage was good, but they could only do so much by themselves.

Team 236, the Techno Ticks (funny dance people), would like to thank our alliance partners team 157 and team 782 for everything. Thanks for the awesome competition and we look forward to seeing everybody in Houston.


Hey Buzz…

Is that what happened? Well you guys put on a good fight all weekend and I was impressed by your bot, especially your autonomous mode. I could’ve sworn in one of your matches you hit the wall in about 2 secs. That only happened once, but the rest seemed to be around 3 secs. You guys did a bang up job at UTC. Looking forward to seeing how you do at nationals.

Well… as an unbiased (ha!) crowd member at UTC I have to say that I personally did not even realize that the last match they played was in fact THE last match… I was up in the 600 section at the meadows, or the nose bleed section if you will, and I did not even realize they were playing the final matches. What threw me off was the fact that the two alliances who played the last match, did not have the usual “come out and shake each other’s hand” before their last match… :confused:

Oh well, I watched parts of the match. It was a good one for what I saw of it and overall the competition was a fierce one, as it always is at UTC.

Congrats to all who went and hoping to see the teams who are now qualified to go to the championships in Houston!

For all the other teams who played at UTC and didn’t qualify… look at it this way… You now have a start on your fund-raising for next year with all the money you save by not going… if that is any consolation. :frowning:

See… I am always looking on the bright side!!! :smiley:

What made me confused was the on saturday, they picked alliances, and then we were right on stage getting ready. what happened to lunch break? And yes, it was a very fast pace competition. We played one match and minutes later we were gettting called to go out again. Maybe to fast, but I think that was part of it beng such a good competition.

The reason that on Saturday there was no real lunch break was because the elimination matches from the morning ran over time so they had to start the finals right away. It was unfortunate for the teams in the finals not to get a break but you do what you got to do.

I want to congratulate teams 236, 782, and 157 at an awesome win at the regional. You guys had awesome robots and deserved to win.

-Thanks Aztechs and Killawatts for being great alliance partners, sick robots, I had a ton of fun with you guys.

-Thanks BUZZ, Aces High and Team 177 for being great opponents. You guys all have awesome robots and most importantly, great attitudes. Can’t wait to see you all again at nationals.