VA FIRST Off-Season Competition

Just wanted to know if there was any interest in any level on hosting a Richmond or VA off-season competition? I just have an idea right now and I want to see if anyone has any interest in supporting, attending, etc?

Just post here.

BTW, this is just for discussion, 384 currently isn’t planning on hosting an event, but if there is enough interest… :slight_smile:

You mean like the one that is already planned for the Virginia State Fair (for the third year in a row)?

No, more like a traditional FIRST competition. The VA State Fair has always been more like a showplace instead of a competiton place.

Attend a VA off-season competition- for sure!

This would be better for us in NYC, 6 hour drive
to VA instead of the 16 hour drive to IRI.


Hmm… well I don’t know if my team is interested, but I sure am :slight_smile: VCU was an awesome regional and I’d love to head out to Virginia again!