Hello teams,
I was wondering if anyone could point me to where i can get more information on how to generate vacuum using the pneumatics kit or any other methods teams are using.
Hello teams,
I was wondering if anyone could point me to where i can get more information on how to generate vacuum using the pneumatics kit or any other methods teams are using.
One of the best ways to generate a vacuum is using a Venturi pump(also sometimes called an vacuum generator). It works by harnessing the the splitting of air to create high and low pressure as it moves through the pump. Many companies make such devices including SMC (http://www.smcetech.com/CC_host/pages/custom/templates/smc_v2/prodtree_branch_group_2.cfm?cc_tvl=&cc_nvl=((CC,smc,V_P,NODE_14045)))
who is a supplier to FIRST.
Hope that helps,
I’ve seen a few teams attach a fan to the fisher price motor to suck air.
awesome. thanks
We just used a dirt devil turbine with a modified gearbox and a fisherprice to suck the ball this year