van door power question

will 2 van door motors (from previous years, each attached to its own motor for tank drive) be able to pull itself with a human on it and a Cart with the bot? any wheels will work, but it must be able to travel at least 3 feet/sec. will i have to gear it or are they powerful enough?

We have made a cart using the van door motors in the past and geared them down and they had much more power then we really needed so I think you may be able to drive it with out gearing them.

with a 9 inch diameter tire a direct drive from the van door motors at 70 rpm should be going about 2.7 ft/sec or 1.8 mph, just below walking but right about how fast a robot on the cart should go.

Keep in mind that the 75RPM on the datasheet is with no load. Under load, they will run a lot slower. Also, teams have been reporting that some of the van door motors have had a free speed as low as 50RPM.