VCU Regional

What sort of capabilites do the teams going to VCU have? Consider this some preliminary scouting for all the teams going. I am on Team 401…we have the capabilites to pick up and load balls. We also have a dual drive system that goes at both 1 ft/sec and 9 ft/sec.

Here’s a picture of our robot. Sorry for the bluriness.

The picture didn’t upload…so here’s the link

Team 122, The NASA Knights, will be at Richmond. We have a basket, ball pickup, and two goal latches. Our wheel base is 5 feet wide (first thing we do when we start a match is fall over). Rear wheels are 8 inches wide and powered by a Chalupa each. Front wheels are omni-directional casters powered by a drill motor each. I dare someone to join into a pushing match with us ;). Sometime soon I’ll get some pics of our robot into the CD gallery.

~Tom Fairchild~

P.S. Can’t wait to see your 'bot, 401. Had a good time with you guys last year at VCU.

I wanna hear 7 and 190 and 116 and you fun people chime in!!

825 will be able to latch on and pull one goal. I think it would work well as a defense bot.

The Miracle Workerz are looking forward to an exciting competition at VCU. As you can probably tell from the pictures uploaded by GNITICXE, MOE 2002 can grab on to all three goals and push them into the scoring zone. There’s more that he can do, but you’ll have to wait until the competition to see!
Be afraid. Be very afraid!

T-190 can’t wait to get down to VCU…This competition should be a lot of fun, and can’t wait to hit the fields…

Team 116 can drive forwards and backwards and pick up baclls and grab a goal and drive at cough meters per second and score in the opposite endzone.
And ED wears womens nightclothes (for lack of a better term)…