Velocity Profile Based On Sysid Constants?

Me and my team over the last few years started to use sysid (not necessarily the app cause we cant get it to work reliably but in general motor characterization) but through that still using trapazoidal profiles for profiling.
This seems wrong as the trapazoidal profile assumes constent acceleration while the voltage equation of the motor implies otherwise. not only that, since we already have the equation I assume it shouldnt be to difficult to create a more accurate profile.
Has any team created such a profile or can someone explain to me why it is not done?

There’s someone actively working on an ExponentialProfile class which is a model that I believe addresses your concern. It is open as either a PR or an issue on the WPILib GitHub so you could check it out and implement it yourself if you want. Truth is most teams probably don’t even know they are losing performance and just tune their constants based on trial and error. As someone who is at least aware that this discrepancy exists, I still tune those numbers based on how far I can push the robot before mechanical stuff starts breaking. I don’t think I really know what I’m doing though.

Yea, there’s an issue open for it.

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