So, after some thought, I was thinking that maybe we should think about setting up a shop that you can buy stuff with your ventures points (vp)/ sell stuff (you get from people, like I can give Brandon a wrench and it’ll count as 5 vp)/ and buy titles and other cool things.
Here’s a sample.
JosephM wins a venture system bet and has 100 vp.
He buys a sheet of lexan for 75 vp.
He then give it to DJ Fluck (link to give an item in profile).
DJ sells it for 60 vp.
DJ then has 5000 vp.
DJ buys a Segway.
You see? Then you can sell things in the opposite way and then use them for the ventures system.
I brought that up to Brandon, and he said that something like a points system would be directly intergrated into vB 3.0, so he would wait to make anything until he sees what it is.
Points have no monetary value, they are just points. The one (or more) with the most points at the end wins.
Maybe maybe maybe when vb3 comes out, and if we do this next year, there could be a way to use points to get things in the forum. (special colors in your username, etc)
I want a pony and a segway and a twelve pack of code red and … Dude, JosephM, How would Brandon be able to put a monetary value on these things. DUH. He would probably have to get a gambling licencse etc. So I think that it would be neat to have little CD bonuses that we get little things on CD if it were possible but if it isn’t you still get bragging rights.
I think JosephM was talking about setting up a virtual economy with vps as the money. Thus the link in profile to give items to people. So Brandon would set up a “shop” where you buy things with vps. or possibly, set up an auction block and auction off virtual segways, sterling engines, iBots, etc. That way, instead of just bragging on how many vps you have, you can say “I’ve got a Segway.”
*Originally posted by Kevin Sevcik *
**I think JosephM was talking about setting up a virtual economy with vps as the money. Thus the link in profile to give items to people. So Brandon would set up a “shop” where you buy things with vps. or possibly, set up an auction block and auction off virtual segways, sterling engines, iBots, etc. That way, instead of just bragging on how many vps you have, you can say “I’ve got a Segway.” **
Exactly. It’s not real. Like one place sells coasters and cars.
Ya. Well, that means that Brandon has to make it. And, if you want it to be cool, then it has to have pictures and cool stuff like that. - No fun to program Also, right now the points arn’t directly with vB. It may be in vB 3 which would make it easier.
*Originally posted by Jack * It may be in vB 3 which would make it easier.
I’m 95.5% sure I can use the points to get better forum ‘things’ in vB3 much easier than in 2.x… so I’m waiting.
Plus – this year will help gauge how many points people are going to get, so I know how to properly set up the amt of points per new feature you could get. (color in your username, etc)