Ventures Update...


BAE results have been fully calculated… but winners have not been awarded. I’m mainly waiting on match data, (and spare time) to finish up the rest of them. Most of the results for the awards section have been entered into the system. The Quarter/Semi/Finals all have to be entered, yet.

No points have been awarded to any of the winners, because the calculations for the 4 other regionals are not complete yet. It wouldn’t be fair to award 1/5th of the winners their points before everybody else.

So – to compensate for this, the betting deadline for this weekends events has been extended to Wednesday, 03-12-2003 11:59 PM EST. I hope that I can acquire all of the necessary data, and enter it into the system by then so you can use your winnings to bet on this weekends events.

I’ll update this thread as more info becomes available.

Here’s what I got done last night, so you guys know how far along I am:

  • forgive the nasty MS-Excel export…

RED : missing
YELLOW: incomplete

Hope to get alot more done tonight, if the data is available.


I have gone as far as I can.

The big things I’m missing:

  1. St. Louis awards
  2. Sacramento match data

And then a few awards here & there.

Hopefully these will just pop up tomorrow morning.

I got all match data. I just need award info.

If anybody has any info that I’m missing, and would like to share, please send them to me. :slight_smile:
