Venue issues...

The home of the SoCal Regional the past two years, the Great Western Forum, has a couple of issues that FIRST should consider for next year’s regional:

The main issue is the closing of the large ramp to teams moving tools and pit supplies in early (8:30 am) on Thursday morning and out after 1:30 pm on Saturday. This led to many individuals carrying supplies down concrete steps at the east entrance. It is true that there is a freight elevator, but the operator would only allow a couple of teams with carts onto the elevator at a time. It took 20 minutes for one of our team members to bring in a cart. The “reason” given for closing the ramp down was for emergency vehicle access. As I chatted with someone from the machine shop van (who also had to walk around to the east side of the Forum to enter), a linen service truck was parked on the ramp for at least 10 minutes (selective enforcement?). Having students carry awkward loads down stairs when a nice, long ramp is available seems contrary to FIRST’s commitment to safety.

The lighting around the perimeter of the pit area was pretty dim. I had asked a FIRST safety person her opinion and she agreed that the shadows from the center lighting made the working conditions for pits on the edge of the arena floor poor. I asked the pit admin person to see what could be done to improve the lighting - apparently nothing could be done with the arena lighting configuration.

Thankyou for starting this thread David. Carrying large and heavy items down steep arena steps is recipe for disaster. I would agree with the above and I’d like to state a couple more. But before I do, let’s remember this thread is not for complaining but for hopes of improving the event for next year.

Outside Access and Signage.

This is what I witnessed happen to a very eager specatator, on more than one occassion. She tried to enter near the Whistle Stop where the sign says “Team Entrance” She is told they can’t get in that way, and they must go to the other side of the arena by walking all the way around the outside. She says “I’ve been all the way over there, and they told me to come over here. I had a hard enough time finding where I’m supposed to go, and then I get here and you tell me to go back there. How do I get into this place?” It was pretty bad. The Forum looks the same all around the outside and it is very very confusing where you are supposed to park and enter. The venue staff seemed to be clueless. More signage and coordination with the venue staff would help visitors immensly. Additionally, I know of a couple teams who were waiting Thursday morning at the entrance they were told, and 8:30 came and they were told they weren’t opening yet. Meanwhile, other teams were pouring in through another entrance. Thursday morning coordination could definitely use some improvement.

On the topic of signage, I never saw the FLL and Vex setups because I never knew where they were.

**Access in the stands. **

It was a problem last year and was only slightly better this year. Dangerous conditions exist in the stands. The amount of trash that people can slip on is unbelieveable. Additionally, there is no walkway for sideways movement. People have to climb over other people, at risk of falling, to move sideways in the stands. Either that, or they must walk all the way up, and all the way back down. And when people are in a rush, they run. We don’t want them running down steep stairs. People are tired. People are in a rush. Why do they have to go up and back down 40 feet to move sideways 15?

There is an easy solution, I don’t know why it hasn’t been implemented. Take the first two rows of seats that go all the way around the playing field half of the arena, and don’t let anybody sit there. Reserve those rows for a walkway. Easy.

I will complement the arena for putting in many more stairs from the floor to the stands than they did last year. But we are still missing that element of sideways access while in the stands.

Secutiry and safety
Perhaps instead of the Arena staff watching people go in, they can check all their large coats, purses, bags, etc for weapons like they do at some other regionals. Yes it is inconvenient but I would definitely feel safer than just those pink signs saying “don’t bring guns in here”

yeah, also no internet. I was a little bummed at the FIRST Aid Station/ Machine Shop that i couldnt get onto FIRST and get updated on match results as i was not able to watch the matches due to working. :frowning: . Also, how they block off the best hall ways to get to the stands is annoying. I get frustraited about others taking my safety glasses at the machine shop, and then when i want to go watch a match when i take a break, i have to search for 5 min trying to find a pair of saftey glasses to walk through the pits, when if i was allowed through the hall way, i wouldnt need them. I think its not that bad though, because in Arizona, it was more difficult to get to the stands when there are only 4 stair cases to enter and exit a floor.

Internet access wouldn’t have helped…they didn’t put any info up until the event was over.

From what I can tell, the whole loading dock issue is due to FIRST’s struggles with Insurance. Of course, as you state, I really dont understand how people carrying heavy items down steps is less of a liability than having teams back up to a loading dock… but I dont have a degree in law.

I will complement the Boston regional for doing exactly as you said (sanddrag) and roping off the first row of seats so that people could walk around. Of course it was held in an ice rink, so that didnt help when you were in the middle section and had to get to a side section… you still had to go all the way up and back down, but at least it was a start.

And another comment on the whole loading dock issue… at FLR, they opened the large back door, and told us we could load out of it. Halfway through loading, I was about to walk out to see what else we could fit when a security guy grabbed me literally by the back of my sweatshirt and yanked me backwards so that another guy could close the door and we could no longer use it. Not only was that rude, it was dangerous and unnecessary, I wasnt talking on a cell phone and I didnt have earplugs in, they could have just said something!

But again, I have to compliment the Boston regional here. Their Arena Security was incredibly helpful and friendly… would come out and tell us we could wait there and they would let us in at 8, were polite and not at all rude. So if you want friendly staff, go check out Boston next year! :slight_smile:

It wasn’t a loading dock, it was a long ramp leading from a street straight to the pits near the practice field and machine shop. Carrying things up and down steps is kind of dangerous, particularly when they have at least one turn.

At Buckeye, The 2 sets of stairs that led from the stands to the pits seemed very unstable and unsafe, plus there was always people crouded on them to watch the matches.

Though i do agree that some better communication for the venue staff is needed. At buckeye last year they made everyone go though gate A, but this year apparently all pit stuff had to go though gate C. there was no info about this so i carred 3 folding chairs, my toolbox, and a flip top box full of scouting supplies all the way around to gate A. Thank god i didnet say it was parts for the robot otherwise they would have made me walk all the way around to gate C!

I suspect it may already be being acted upon but NYC probably needs a bigger venue.

The pits might fit a couple more teams in at a squeeze and the practice area is outside as it is… not good if it’s raining and wind is a problem when it comes to throwing balls.

Hey my friends from across the pond Team 759 - Have no fear the NYC Coordinators do realize that the pits are somewhat overwhelmingly small for 33 teams. The NYC regional staff is looking for a larger area to house the regional but there is very lil to do b/c all the major venus like for instance Madison Square Garden have poor parking and a very large traffic situation. Rumor has it that probably next year or so that the regionals will have a new venue. It will be on the west side of manhattan just like Riverbank State Park. The Area in question from what I heard from a somwhat reliable source will be the Jacob Javitts Center. It is ALOT bigger then where we are now and parking is somewhat better the only problem is, is that there are NO Stands in the area at all, This building is used mainly for Exhibitions of all sorts. Maybe the planning staff will conjure up a way so that roll away stands get be rented and put in place but from my experience of being there its alot BIGGER. =) Now for the practice field, yes it was an extremely bad idea to have it assembled outside (which is why NYC Regionals NEVER Had a practice field) from what I understand that field was brought by another team and assembled (it was not FIRST’s field) and I say this only b/c the head of the FIRST event staff told me to ask teams to take it for themselves if they wanted it. At the conclusion of the Regional the practice field had been dismantled by the competing teams and each team took a piece or an entire team took the entire field. Either which way it was not FIRSTs field or at least so I have been told. They should not be held accountable for that minor discrepinacy.