Hello everyone,

We have run into a problem and we are in desperate need of some VersaPlanetary Ring Gear Add-on Kits. They are backordered everywhere. We need 4 or 5 of them and are willing to pay for the gears and the shipping.

Thank you so much!

You can email me here: [email protected]

We ordered ours from

They are out of stock as well.

Our team has realized that we should’ve ordered even more Versaplanetary equipment. It’s insane how much Vex parts are being given and loaned out this year.

How many do you need? Can you send someone to the Seneca district event towards the end of the day on Sunday? Depending on if we use any this weekend, we may have one or two available.

We could really use 4 kits but as many as you have will help! I could drive down tomorrow or Sunday.

Sunday would be better, as we wish to keep the ones we have as spares for this competition. Perhaps you could make similar arrangements with other teams at the event to get closer to 4.

Thank you very much. I will drive down on Sunday. Good luck this weekend.

To anyone else who might view this thread, we could use two more ring gears. I can either meet you at the Seneca event or pay for the shipping costs.

PM if you still need. Can put them in the mail tomorrow.

Anyone at Midwest Regional next week, if you need versaplanetary stuff come by our pit.

Storm 2729 can probably provide a couple too and we’ll also be a Seneca. I don’t think we have any new units, but the used ones are fine, just have some grease on them.

If you are interested let us know and we’ll make sure we bring them Sunday with our parts

PM me if you are interested


My team will need two. We’ll see you Thursday. :slight_smile: