Vex CAD Library

Students on our team (and probably others) want to start learning Inventor with Vex.
The plan is to design Vex robots using existing models of the parts.
Please continue to contribute to the library of parts.

Models of the wheels and most accessories are currently unavailable. The entire FIRST community would benefit from a complete library of Inventor models for every VEX part available from IFI.

Our team is in particular need of models of the omni-wheel, rechargeable battery, linear slide, and sensors. No one our team is good enough on CAD to model the omni-wheel or sensors.

There are several sites currently hosting limited libraries of Vex parts. This process was started last summer but it is currently stalled. Please help get it started again.

What is currently available:

The best library of parts is available from CMU.

Big collection, but the models don’t open in Inventor.

Few parts are available from IFI.

FIRST CAD library has four parts.


I’m having my college class model vex components in Pro/E that I plan on uploading to the IFI vex cad forum eventually, however I only have access to a starter kit, and most high schoolers don’t use Pro/E.

I’m planning on expanding the FirstCadLibrary parts over the summer. I have the started kit.

I own and am more then willing to put anything up there that people would like. The project started before IFI was going to release the cad models but since then there was no point to continue. Also if someone else wants to take over the domain I have no problems letting it go and transferring it away.

I would recommend that if people are going to model vex parts that they make iparts from them so it easier to work with within assembiles

they have 13 inventor files…

it may help…

but there is a battery

Maybe after the FIRST season slows down a bit after the Championships I’ll get out my Vex parts and my calipers and finish modeling up the rest of the parts, to add to those I already uploaded to :wink:

on my inventor webpage i posted a downloads page that includes several parts from the FRC kit that ave been remade to more accurate dimensions - some vex pieces are included

check it out:

Thanks for the tip on the battery.