Vex Encoders

Hi all,
My team is a little behind in the traction control area. So I have been coding away on an encoder based method. I seem to have run into a problem, i’m not sure how to set up the Vex encoder in the Open Encoder VI.
Any help would be much appreciated

Here’s an example:

Hmmm, it looks as though I have the old, nonquadrature model, any suggestions?

You can use what I showed with a single channel encoder.
Get rid of the second DIO and just wire the single DIO to both A & B inputs.

Without quadrature the encoder will only count up as it turns in whatever direction, so you do have to be careful to trust it’s output only when you are sure you are moving forward or backward.
While sitting still it will probably start counting as the robot vibrates.

You might want to program in a reset when you begin a move forward or backward.

Thanks so much!