VEX Meterial Question

We are working on our VEX bot, and we were wondering if a threaded rod is a legal meterial to use. We want to use it as a spacer.

I do not think that it would be legal according to rules [R5] and [R7].

Thank you very very much!

If the threaded rod is 8-32 and less than 2 1/2" in length then what you have is a VEX standard screw with the head cut off.

You can also take the axle material and thread it. You won’t get super great holding, but enough to use that as a spacer.

Anything other than that and it’s not legal.

Official VEX rulings have a special place to ask Offical VEX Q&A. CD’s own beloved Karthik turns answers around there on a near daily basis.

As with FIRST, asking “legal” questions in the forums causes delays to you getting an official answer. (Someone has a cool signature file that shows the multiple day delay in asking here vs. asking in an official rules forum)

Good luck on your season.