how can I program the VEX Motor module?
Thank you for help, Team 2231.
What do you want to do with it? Create it? tell it to move?
public static Victor Motor1; //defines “Motor1” as a Victor
private static final int PORT_ONE = 1; //defines “PORT_ONE” as an int number 1
Motor1 = new Victor(PORT_ONE); //defines Victor as put in port 1
Motor1.set(.5) //sets speed of motor/victor, argument can be between -1 to 1. 1 is full speed, -1 is full speed backwards.
There are 3 vex items you could be referring to, a spike, a victor, and a 2-wire gearmotor. Which one do you want to know about?
Wouldn’t this be easier…
Victor vexmotor = new Victor(#);
thnx you!
Your welxcome