i want to play with this years frc game in vex but what should i use for the ringers
You can use Krispy Kremes provided you don’t mind having a satellite dropped on you.
I was thinking you could use the rings that someone used for a Vex game they created. Yeah I’m not all loaded with information.
That kind of thing. Except for the fact that they are all different sizes…
The fisher price Rock A Stackhttp://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2341&e=storeproduct&pid=23 might work well. The rings are different sizes and made of hard plastic though.
For Team 40’s MINIFRC competition next weekend we are using pool noodles for ringers. They are as close as we could find to 1/3rd scale.
Could you post a picture of what you’re doing? I’m assuming you’re taking a pool noodle, then cutting it to the right size and taping the two ends together, but I just want to check.
Until I can find something better I’m going to use the tread from the 6" Vex wheels.
We consider the inside diameter the most important part. So we are doing just that taping the two ends together and wrapping it with electrical tape for colors. Unfortunately it will be a little on the heavy side for 1/3rd scale but should still be ok. I’ll post a picture tonight of the finished 1/3rd scale rack. We also purchased 4" cold cathode bulbs to practice autonomous.
can vex use the CMU?
Yes the VEX robot can use the CMU cam it plugs right into the RX/TX ports. You can also use jumpers to select multiple automous modes.
You could use the tires that pop off of the wheel hubs in the kit