Those of you running the VH-109 in access point mode… My lead programmer is saying he has to do a whole dance to get connected at every power up. Is there some way to smooth out this process, or is Cheezy Arena the right answer for practicing with multiple robots on the new radios?
From my programmer:
Every startup I need to connect to a port on the 100 vlan (my current internet / management port) and open the web interface, form there I need to select a ssid and password for each station I want to use. Cheesy arena does this before every match automatically
If you’re using the specific access point firmware, you need to put in the ssid each boot. It doesn’t store that info between boots. Cheesy arena, or manually entering info are the ways to make that work.
Note that you only need that firmware if you need vlan support. If you’re just connecting a single robot, you don’t need that firmware. Just use the radio firmware in access point mode. That one will save settings between boots.
Your programmer is correct but you must have a switch from the 3500-series family to use the automatic setter. In addition, if you want to add CA to your setup you need to have another laptop/Raspberry Pi connected to the switch.
Doing it manually its not that bad. I have done it multiple times and you just wait until the radio is fully booted by opening and seeing when the status says ACTIVE or something like that. (You need to reload the page for it to show the change in status)
Then you can set the robots easily