VH-109 bad connection to laptop over ethernet

So we have 2 VH-109. (new radios) One for the robot, one for the access point. I got newest version of firmware on both radios but trying to get the the configuration takes forever and doesn’t want to even connect half the time. Is there a fix for this or is that just how it is?

Also another question, for practice, do we need to install AP firmware on the AP radio? or is that just for competition radios. Last I saw you could run the AP radio with the normal firmware as long as you configured it with AP enabled.

AP firmware is for multi-robot, scrimmage or offseason use.

Use the standard robot radio firmware (the configuration page has a “access point” radio button that you select for the one connected to your driver station.

Once set-up I haven’t had difficulty connecting expeditiously.

Please clarify a few things:

  1. What firmware were you trying to install on the Robot’s radio and on the AP radio? (Please provide the software’s file name)
  2. What do you mean by “the configuration takes forever”? Does it take 2 minutes? 1 hour?
  3. When you say “doesn’t want to even connect half the time”, how do you understand that it “doesn’t want to connect”? Have you tried opening the VH-109 configuration website? (default is and if a team number was set it will be 10.TE.AM.1)
  4. What lights does each VH-109 radio has when “it doesn’t want to connect”?

You should (I would say must) install the “Robot Varient” (VH-109_1.2.6-11102024.FROM_1_2_X.img) on BOTH radios UNLESS you want to use the AP radio for multi-robot, scrimmage or offseason use as already answered above.
I would suggest following Vivid-Hosting’s website about configuring a VH-109 as a AP

  • I did get the robot firmware on both radios.
  • it sometimes takes 5 minutes just for the configuration page to load. around 30 seconds to give a successful message after i hit configure.
  • Not wanting to connect meaning timing out on the configuration screen, took too long to connect.
  • I get what lights you would normally have, power and sys light.

It did seem to load faster today and without fail using a different ethernet cable but not a noticeable amount.

You mention ethernet cable, which port are you plugging the computer into on the on the radio?

And do you turn off your other network adapters like internal wifi?

Just spittballing that windows might be confused on which network to route traffic if you have multiple networks going at the same time

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Ethernet cable connects to the driver station port on the radio, I havent turned off the internal wifi adapter yet.