VH-109-to-VH-113 Conversion

Has anyone yet been successful in deploying the VH-109-to-VH-113 conversion firmware and connecting via FMS (i.e. Cheesy Arena)?

I was able to deploy the firmware upgrade/conversion (Field AP). I configured a test robot radio, used the configuration page on the VH-113 conversion to manually set a allowed robot radio SSID and WPA key as RED 1 and got an excellent connection.

DS opened on an attached PC to the VH-113 conversion and was able to successfully see the test robot radio.

Went to the latest Cheesy Arena that I presume ran this last weekend, downloaded and deployed on an FMS computer with a static IP set. Set up a test event with 9999 level teams and our one test team. Generated schedule, went through a general event setup. Loaded the 1st practice match with the test team# and bypassed all other teams. Did not see robot test radio connected to CA FMS computer (connected to DS port of VH-113 conversion).

I have yet to integrate a managed switch. I also did NOT deploy the RESTful API.

I note the CA Advanced networking page says you must install the RESTful API - and perhaps this is where my problem lays - I would have thought this layer/API would already be included in the VH-113 conversion image?

My Goal: get the Test Robot Radio (a VH-109), on bench to connect to the VH-113 conversion and be visible as connected in CA. From there my plan is to begin integrating our newly purchased CISCO 3560 series Managed Switch and get a DS properly connected. After that its just a matter of time to purchase the official VH-113 and switch to that for the Field Radio.

This is all preparation for a pre-comp-season event at the beginning of next year - so no terrible urgency at this point yet. I chose to post after this years Chezy Champs to let those key folks focus on their amazing offseason-event.

You must use a managed switch in order to have robot connections in field AP (VH-113) mode. The connection to the robots are kept separate via VLAN tagging.

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Aaaaa ok. I’ll swap around my order-of-operations and work on the Managed Switch tomorrow.

Do you think the instructions to install the RESTful API on top of the VH-113 conversion image are necessary as well?

I’ll let everyone know how it goes!

That REST API installation instruction is only for the old field AP, not the VH-113 (which has its own REST API included already). The Cheesy Arena docs seem to still have a mix of both instructions during this transitional time.

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Hrm - not too terribly much to update. I’ll preface with I’m not in IT but I am an engineer so I’m bumbling my way through and figuring things out as I go…

Fired up our recently purchased used Cisco3560G. Used an FTDI USB-Serial adapter and wired a RJ45 connector according to the hardware docs for the console port pinout omitting DTS and DRS (weren’t available from the FTDI adapter board and appeared to not be required by the wiring diagram).

Installed PUTTY and tried to establish a serial connection to the 3560G switch using the above cisco hardware doc baud rate and settings - but no luck. Could not get a response printed out on the terminal emulator.

My FTDI adapter board TX light would flash every keystroke, and during/after boot the RX light would illuminate/strobe indicating activity/data but nothing showed up in the terminal.

So currently struggling with trying to get the switch configured with the cheesy arena provided .txt configuration.

Switch is IOS 12.??? I can check the tag on the switch on 10/3

Edit: perhaps my terminal emulator was not properly configured ( set term=xterm or set term=vt100)…xterm is the default but I believe I need VT100

Is your FTDI serial adapter a TTL or RS-232 adapter?

It is an older version of Adafruit’s FTDI Friend I had laying around.

Console ports on switches typically use rs232 logic levels (± 5v to 15v, inverted logic) instead of ttl (0-5v). These are incompatible, and rs232 levels can potentially cause damage to devices expecting ttl. You’ll need to use an rs232 to ttl converter to use that adapter, or find an rs232 to usb adapter. Here’s an adapter that should work out of the box:

Edit: in your wiring diagram, you also have the wires connected incorrectly; The switches TX line should be connected to the adapter’s RX line and the switches RX line should be connected to the adapter’s TX line. Likewise, the switches CTS and RTS should go to the adapter’s RTS and CTS respectively.

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If my FTDI Friend is shot, so be it, its not the end of the world. I’m getting ahold of a RS232-RJ45 adapter tomorrow omitting my handmade device entirely making the following academic…

Thanks for spotting the signal flops - I dont know why I didnt think of that yesterday making the adapter. I was thinking of the table as “tracing the wire from A-B-C”.

Using the top Console Device signal as an example (CTS), I interpreted the table as saying: CTS–>pin 8 in DB/RJ45 adapter–>pin 8 entering rollover cable which then logically “rolls over” to the bottom.

But looking at the table now in the rollover cable pin 8 becomes pin 1, meaning all of my wires should be straight across :stuck_out_tongue:

All in all: I’ll try again with the real-deal adapter tomorrow :slight_smile: And make sure VT100 is set in m y Putty session.

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Well, now I’m in!

Not being an IT professional I’m struggling with the command line interface and how to get the switch_config.txt file onto the switch itself. I’ll get there eventually unless anyone wants to give me the line-by-line commands to execute!

I think you can just copy paste that into your telnet client.

Pretty much

get into exec mode first with enable
then open global configuration mode with configure terminal and copy and paste the contents of the switch_config.txt file.
once the config finishes pasting exit to go back to exec mode
and save with copy run start


Although…Its not loving the config file. The switch I purchased is IOS version 12.2, it gives a warning at the <Version 15.0> line that the configuration may not be fully understood.

It moves on however and finally starts giving up the ghost at the interfaces. Do I just need to rename all the GigibitEthernet interfaces to FastEthernet? The boot running switch config labels the 48 switch ports as FastEthernet with only 4 GigabitEthernet interfaces.


Boot run configuration:

Hardware is Cisco WS-C3560-48PS-S

Oh, in your post above you said you had a 3560G so I assumed you would be fine, but looks like you have a 3560.

Yeah just rename the interfaces in the config file and paste then again.

I did say 3560G from memory so that’s my mistake!

Is that first line I get a warning at, Version15, supposed to be the iOS v? 12.2 In my case? Is that ok to change or is there a way to upgrade iOS versions if necessary?

You should be fine.

But if you want to you’ll need to setup a TFTP server first because transferring files over RS232 is painfully slow.