We need the VictorSP’s to go into brake mode on our climber. We pressed the B/C Cal button, and the light is red, but when we set the motors to 0 speed it feels like they’re still coasting. Is there something else we need to do?
Brake mode doesn’t mean stop you know?
It just resists turning very fast.
At slow speeds it won’t be very noticeable.
It’s most easily demonstrated by putting all your drivetrain motor controllers into coast, then drive fast and let go of the joysticks at a marked spot on the floor.
Measure the distance your robot traveled after letting go.
Put all the drivetrain motor controllers into Brake mode and repeat the test.
Measure the distance your robot traveled after letting go.
The Brake mode distance will be significantly shorter.
Ahh ok, I was just feeling the resistance by manually rotating the drum, so that’s probably why I didn’t feel any difference. Thanks!