VictorSP starts motor before enable robot

Hey, my team is using 4 VictorSP motorcontrollers for drivetrain.
Recently, we had to change one victorSP in the right side of the drivetrain, since it was having electrical problems. So we changed to another VictorSP. However, when we wired it and turn on the circuit breaker (we did not enable the robot on driver station), the right side of the drivetrain started the motor.

What it could be?

This is very odd. Did you wire it in the correct orientation? (Red and black wires to pdp, green and white to motor)

yes, we did… :grimacing:

What do the status lights say? Are you controlling it over PWM or CAN?

This is something I’ve never seen before and is obviously incredibly unsafe. I would try swapping it with another controller if you have a spare, it could be defective.

Check your wiring ---- It may be that you have the power from the PDP or PH coming into M+ / M-, when it should be coming into V+ and Ground.

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