[Video 2016 Robot Reveal - Plasma Robotics 2403

2016 Robot Reveal Video: https://youtu.be/dzDgFWAA7YU

Plasma Robotics is proud to present our 2016 robot for the FIRST Robotics Competition game, FIRST STRONGHOLD. We are competing in the Arizona North Regional at Northern Arizona University March 9 to 12, and at the Arizona West Regional at Grand Canyon University April 6 to 9.

And yes after reviewing the slow motion video, we promptly secured our roboRIO…

Good luck to all teams in FIRST STRONGHOLD!



Wow awesome work guys! Robot drive train really reminds me of 610’s in 2010. It’s super interesting to see teams using other methods to tackling defenses other than “slap some pneumatic tires on” or “buy andymark’s tank treads.”

610’s wheel pivoting was powered by pneumatics, is yours powered/what is it powered by? It was hard to tell from the video.

Best of luck in your competitions!

Thanks, we appreciate it! It’s a passive rocker-bogie system, so no pneumatics. We do have mechanical hard stops on the frame to prevent it from rotating too far back.
I took a look back at 610’s 2010 robot, and that is very impressive. We actually took a lot of inspiration from our past robots. We had a similar passive rocker-bogie system in both 2010 and 2012. In 2010, I think we just “copied” what the Mars rovers did…:slight_smile: