I was wondering if any team had video from the 2000 competition from the Midatlantic and National competition.
I was wondering if any team had video from the 2000 competition from the Midatlantic and National competition.
Team 108 has VHS copy of NJ 2000, and Quicktimes (unfortunatly w/o audio) of the National Elim’s 2000.
got an FTP accnt?
can i get the nj finals from you?
We’ll try to digitize NJ 2000 this week…
Are they on your page because when i go to 2000 Nationals it says No information at this time.
yeah, not uploaded yet…
it’s on the to-do list though…if you have ftp account the turn around time is MUCh quicker…
You wouldn’t happen to be able to send the files throught morpheys or gnutella would you. If not i might be able to figure out something by tommorrow. Instant message me at os2man4
and Quicktimes (unfortunatly w/o audio) of the National Elim’s 2000
Could I get the 2000 videos via FTP, let me know