I am very new to FRC, and VERY EXCITED. I watched several videos which has given me great insight, almost too much in a sense. I was wondering if there is a really good video of a team that goes through a “tour” of their robot and really goes piece by piece. I watched 2 really good ones that was essentially the basic KoP, but I wanted almost like a more advanced tutorial but still a very general overview. Also, it seems there is a lot of new people and a lot of people that want to help us (THANK YOU!), could there potentially be a subforum for new people to ask questions, which I (or we) may seem too elementary to be posted on the General Forum?
No question too elementary. Ask “first newbie”. (And he’s asking good questions!) There’s “we just answered that two hours ago in another thread”, and there’s “did you actually read the game manual?”, but we’ll still answer (often with a link).
That being said, I do have a couple of suggestions. The first one is that you should probably learn where the search feature of these forums is. There’s that orange bar across the top of every page–search is slightly to the right of the middle (the middle one of the three phrases with arrows next to them). Click that and search on any topic you’re interested in–just be careful to check the dates before replying to a thread, as it could be several years old (whether or not it’s out of date is another question entirely).
And the second is that the more you’ve done your homework (AKA, used search, or looked in the white papers under CD-Media, or similar items), the more likely we are to help–sometimes it’s easier to untangle knowledge gone awry than to impart new knowledge.
Now, with respect to those videos… I can’t say there’s a “robot tour” for sure, but if I could just find that link to “973 training videos” I might be off to a good start. (Hint: try entering that phrase into the search.)
You may find that an understanding of how an FRC robot works is often best gleaned from reading about those from top teams. 1114 makes its robot display boards, engineering notebooks, and CAD models available; likewise for 254; and 971; etc.
As far as videos go, VexPro’s BuildBlitz documentation is a good start.
To be honest, the best resource for you would be to find your nearest veteran team and have them show you previous year’s robots. I was ultra enthusiastic my first year but I didn’t really grasp how it all worked until I started meeting with a local team.