Videos of the matches at NJ

Does anyone know where I can find videos of the matches at NJ? If there is any. :slight_smile:

i can pretty sure that you can get it from our team… (soap is our subteam)… i will get in touch with kenny and ask him if that is possible to get you videos…

as far as i know all the video’s from the competition will be up at soon…

I think what he meant was the Nasa webcasts like last year…

They seemed to be up when the comps were live, but they may be “archiving” them now… (a process which took a buttload of a long time last year)

So stay tuned to nasa or (since when has that been useful?)

Nasa didn’t webcast NJ this year, therefore no archive. Soap should have it. Soon.

I didn’t mean the webcast, anyway thanks for your concern. :slight_smile: If SOAP should have them, I’ll wait. :smiley: