Viewing vi files

My team was having trouble with code running a bit slow. I am an alumni now, so I don’t have access to the Classmate PC nor the NI install disk. Is there any way for me to be able to look through the code files and see if I (or some people I know who are really good at making code run crazy fast) can improve it a little. I can run either Debian testing or Windows 7.

Nested loops in nested loops are very demanding on the cRIO. Check and see if there are a lot of loops nested in the if statements. Either that or your programmers forgot to reclose everything they added, which could affect the performance (not too sure about that though). I mainly think that there are too many loops.

Without the disks, I’d say you’re out of luck. You have to install LabVIEW for FRC in order to get the WPI library. Without it, you probably won’t be able to do anything useful.

I can run either Debian testing or Windows 7.

LabVIEW for FRC seems to work okay under Windows 7 once installed, though actually installing it has not been as simple as it should be. I chose not to get involved in that, working only with XP and Vista systems.

What are your loop times?

Have you tried using this to test your loop times?

Have you tried doing this to improve loop timing?

I don’t know exactly how anything works at the moment. That is what I want to see. Since I couldn’t be at the build sessions most of the time, I couldn’t see how the code works. All I have at the moment are copies of code I can’t open. I hear our ME department here has labview on all their computers. I will try to open it on one of them as soon as I can. Something tells me without the first libraries it won’t work though.