Vision Assistant Problem

Ok. So I have an algorithm built in NI Vision Assistant, but when I attempt to export it into a VI, the VI doesn’t work. The image out box continues to stay greyed out. Here is the VI and image that I am using…

Vision (105 KB)

Vision (105 KB)

The first problem is that the initial vision container is set to greyscale(U8). The IMAQ can’t use this type of image. It requires a matching colour container. The IMAQ must specify the same image type as the IMAQ

After running it, the output is still not correct, but is a start. The attached image is of fairly low quality. Can you possibly get another, matching the quality of the included camera?

If you have more questions just ask. The Error clusters BTW can be very helpful. The particular vision VI that you posted also can run on a windows machine, for testing, you can skip the cRIO.

That VI was setup to run on the computer…

Using your original attachment as inspiration, I have quickly thrown together an algorithm that will find 3 of the 4 targets in that attached picture. I will keep looking into a better algorithm, but for now this will be a good starting point. (51.8 KB) (51.8 KB) (51.8 KB)