Vision Assistant

We are using the Vision Assistant to track the retro reflective tape, we had tried a lot but we can not get the image to light up. We have done the following:

Acquired the image
Color Threashold HSL
Adv. Morpholoy - Convex Hull > This part fills the rectangle ALL RED for some reason

The Code works fine on the vision assistant but when integrated on the it does not display anything and when we press stop, the Labview keeps running and we get error: Connection to C-Rio Lost… Help Please:


Here are the pictures of our problem.

What are you illuminating it with?

We have done the following:

Acquired the image
Color Threashold HSL
Adv. Morpholoy - Convex Hull > This part fills the rectangle ALL RED for some reason

That’s what “convex hull” does. It fills in the entire shape defined by the outline.

The Code works fine on the vision assistant but when integrated on the it does not display anything


Start probing the wires on the Vision Processing block diagram. That’ll help you find out where the process is breaking down. First thing: make sure the cRIO can read images from the camera. How do you have the camera connected?

and when we press stop, the Labview keeps running and we get error: Connection to C-Rio Lost… Help Please:[/quote]

Don’t use the stop sign. Click the big “Finish” button in Robot Main.