We, 4191 IMC, have managed to create our own vision module to be used with chamelelon-vision. It is perfect for the teams which are aiming to use PS Eye camera and raspberry pi co-processor.
could you provide links to the parts you used such as leds, led cooling pcb and the XL6009 converted
The parts that we used are all bought in Turkey. You probably won’t be able to get same part numbers. However, I can find all the parts from US supplier and provide the links.
LED Driver will be better than XL6009
What did you guys use for your “Pi 4 Cooling Case”?
What is the advantages of the ps eye over other cameras? Besides resolution and fps…
Those are the main ones. It’s also historically been dirt cheap, under $10 new at one point. Its optics are better than some other webcams on the market.
It was built and optimized for vision processing applications on the PS3, which (IMO) goes a decent way around making some configuration easier than some other webcam’s I’ve tried (which are more targeted at web streaming applications, which have different latency requirements).
The biggest downside to me is how extremely bulky it is. Also, since the PS3 isn’t exactly bleeding-edge anymore, they’re getting harder and harder to find.
They were practically everywhere for $10-15 until covid hit, and while they do work in Windows with a special driver, not every program will play nicely. They were so cheap that nobody’s going to bother to return them or list on eBay, so that’s likely the end of the cheap and good USB camera era.
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