Hi there. I currently have a program that will track and put a bounding rectangle around the high goal, which I need if I’m going to track the distance from the camera to the target. My problem is that it works greatish if everything else if dark except the reflective tape, like in the example images provided by FIRST. The problem being is that I have been able to get my own example images from my team’s high goal, but it hasnt been able to track the tape because everything else is just as bright as the tape. Is there any method of only making the tape for the most part the only bright object in a image, no matter the setting? Have you guys had to calibrate your image processing before matches while at competition?
Edit: I am using the green ring LED and the axis camera.
If you are using an axis camera, you can set the brightness and exposure to a very low level in the camera settings. Then you use an green led light ring pointed at the goal (normally attached to your camera around the lens) to get the green effect you see in the example images.
Also, normally on the first day of competition, a regional lets teams calibrate their vision stuff. I know in labview there are tools provided to make this calibration easier.
When you process the image, do you use and RGB system to filter the image or HSL. An RGB system singles out a specific color and HSL filters out hue, saturation, and luminescence. HSL is bit easier to work in and might be better in this sense. In this application you would want to change the luminescence setting, while slightly changing the other two to filer out only the tape.