Vision tracking issues

We have tried vision tracking with an axis camera as well as USB. We switched to a USB camera, a Microsoft life cam. We program with labview. We have had troubles connecting to the field at the competitions we have been to. It would work everywhere else but the competition field. We have found that the problem is that the vision tracking won’t work unless its running from robot main. We are getting feed to the dash without lag tethered and untethered. We had talked to everyone we could at this regional, yet no one knew what was happening. National jnstruments was contacted as well but they said everything should be working. We figured it might not be the code since the code works very well from robot main. Everything is set to get the IP from the field. We tested with static, but it also did not work. At this point we don’t know what the problem could be, and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Well, first of all, could you post your code?

What are you using to process your images?

If you are using your driver station laptop to process images and send back information, are you using NetworkTables?

Whatever indicators and controls you put onto the front panel of your .vi’s will not work when you build and deploy your code.

Is that true about the indicators and controls not working from the front panel? It actually makes some sense. Tracking only works when tethered or wireless from robot main. But once on the actual field, it tracks, but just spins in circles.

If the front panel indicators and controls don’t work after building and deploying the code, what values would the code be getting?

We have a usb camera (was an axis originally via Ethernet to bridge) directly plugged into the roborio. We are using labview and processing the images onto the roborio.

All of our values were on the front panel with the assumption that the code would use those values, but now I’m thinking that they need to be constants in the actual code.

So if I got this right, the front panel is just for testing your values and once found, they need to be inserted into the code?


Ash Hadi

A front panel control has a “default value”. That is what the control is set to when the program begins. If you are setting parameters for your code using front panel controls, you need to change the default before you build the project.

Do that by right-clicking on the control, choosing “data operations” from the popup menu, then choosing “make current value default” from the submenu.

After that, the control will essentially be compiled into your code as a constant.

Alan, we have been setting those values as defaults, and it wasn’t working. As soon as we made those values constants directly in the code, IT WORKED!

Thanks for all the help, it was one of our goals this year to get vision tracking working, I’m very proud of all my programmers for their persistence.

Also, thanks to all the teams and CSA’s at Midwest that helped us whenever possible to get our tracking functioning.