Hello All,
I am writing today to ask for your help. I have been a volunteer with FIRST for 14 years and in that time I have held down a decent job or at least multiple jobs so that I can afford to be away at these events.
At the start of FRC build season I lost one of my jobs and as a result had to cancel out of a few FTC events. I am planning on attending Midwest Regional and both Championships. And although I will be there, I will still struggle at home with my own finances as well as meals outside of the events.
As such, I have set up a GoFundMe Campaign. If you could help me out or share with some of the amazing people that support you I would be forever grateful.
As I have stated in the campaign any money over my goal will be directly shared with other volunteers at the events and/or used towards next season’s volunteering. Depending on how much over goal I may be able to actually volunteer at an event every week.
Again, thank you for your time and I hope to see you at the events when I am there.
Moderators I wasn’t sure where to share this so I apologize if it needs to be moved. Please adjust as necessary.