I’m having problems with remote system connection to the new frc II controller.
Here is the screen:
If I leave the server as “(default from target)”.
I get this error:
So I go ahead and specify 5200B as a processor because 5125 is not in the list.
5200B is the older 8 port controller.
This gets me over that error but then I get this error:
It seems the latest winriver, after being updated, shows 6.3 and the crio shows 6.8.
Here is the connections screen:
I have applied all the updates I can find. I also went to preferences > Remote Systems to see if there is a 6.8 to make available, but nothing.
Any thoughts or info?
I guess its just me then.
Have you imaged your cRIO with v43?
Yes, In fact the problem here is the crio has a higher version than the winriver vxworks. So if anything I think I’m missing an update for winriver.
The last update I did is the WorkbenchUpdate20120108rev2993.exe
I also did the FRC2012Utilities.zip update on
And FRC2012DriverStationUpdate.zip on
You’re reading the message backwards. Target (cRIO) is 6.3 as it should be. “Selected OS version” is 6.8. Now why you are getting this message is a good question as the only thing visible in the screenshot says 6.3
Under remote systems it says:
VxWorks 6.8:MPC5200B - MPC5200B
That’s not on the crio?
Interesting that right above it it says target debugger 6.3. lol
I’m going to reformat it with v43 just in case.
Cause, I’m stumped.
ok finally figured it out. Instead of MPC5200B for processor, I chose MPC5200 and it worked.