LASER 3284 would like to make FRC kickoff day, January 4th, #WalkLikeWoodie day! We are requesting teams wear converse tennis shoes and take a picture of their feet and post the photo with the hashtag #WalkLikeWoodie to their social media accounts.
The intent is to start the 2020 FRC build season thinking about Gracious Professionalism and to keep Woodie’s ideals and core values foremost in all things FIRST.
We hope all teams will join in the fun and help us honor Woodie!
Vanessa Dunham
LASER 3284 Team President
And still nobody believes me that Converse are better than Vans. @JVN knows where it’s at.
Seems like a fun and accessible initiative, despite the slight r/hailcorporate vibes. Good Luck!
Honestly you can wear any shoes!
Anybody going to the new kickoff in Ruston LA, kick it up a notch by taking your photo around Woodie’s brick, which is also on the LA Tech campus [1500ft away from the building where kickoff is to be held, @ExploitSage tells me]. #WalkLikeWoodie #WalkWhereWoodieWalked. Any FRC Alumni in Ruston can probably take you right to it, including @ExploitSage (who is mentoring 3468 MagnaTech W. Monroe). If you can’t find someone local, knowing that Woodie graduated in 1966 will help you find his brick. LA Tech tradition is to intentionally step on the bricks of your mentors and heroes as you pass.
Lol, Thanks for getting to this before me, lol. I am actually already attempting to organize having 3468 MAGNATech do just this. Naturally anyone else interested is welcome as well, and if you’re just curious where the brick is, here is a map from the Integrated Engineering and Science Building (The parking lot in the picture as the building is brand new) where the Ruston Kickoff will be to the rough location of the brick.
Here is a picture of the brick, from 2014 I believe.
I think we took this in the summer of 2013 when we were there for your orientation. I was wearing cowboy boots for the first time since before you were born.
Love the Idea, shared your message on the team discord!
We will be getting it on all our Social Media shortly, but I took the photo, and I believe I’m the only member of 3468 on Chief Delphi regularly, so I figured I’d share it here, too.
#WalkLikeWoodie #WalkWhereWoodieWalked
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