Do you want Chairman’s Award feedback from a pair of experienced recent FIRST alumni? If so, you’re in luck.
I’m a 2016 graduate of Team 1540, and my friend Eric Braeuner is a 2016 graduate of Team 503. (We’re both freshmen at Yale.) Between the two of us, we’ve contributed to 15 Chairman’s Award wins over the past four years (7 DCAs and 8 RCAs), and since there’s no exit strategy from FIRST, we would love to help other teams improve their submissions.
We’re happy to talk about any aspect of your submission, whether you’re brainstorming for your essay or polishing your video – we won’t share anything about your submission with anyone else (of course).
We’ll be Skyping with whoever’s interested this Saturday from 12-6 Eastern, and if there’s enough interest, we’ll do this again later in the season.
Quick reminder – if you’re signed up for a slot, please send your Skype username, submission, and any questions you want us to consider to chairmans [at] by tomorrow night.
Also if you’re signed up and haven’t sent your submission or Skype username yet, please do so!! We want to help you but can’t do that if we don’t know how to talk to you
Thanks for taking the time to meet with us! We greatly appreciate it.
The Hemmingway App is REALLY cool but is blocked here at school (!!! Because teacher’s don’t want their students to be better writers…?) so we had to log in on with a teacher’s account.
Ow, can’t believe we missed this opportunity yesterday. Tell Eric he’s fired for selling our team’s secrets
If you guys are doing further Skype sessions later in the season, closer to the Essay submission date, I think our CA group would be very eager to get some feedback. Most of our students are rookies so they’d appreciate the opinions of some experienced FIRST veterans.
Jacob seriously knows what he is doing - get feedback from him! I thoroughly enjoyed our Chairman’s dialogue over the years, and he has a wealth of experience that you should tap into. I can’t personally vouch for Eric, but he’s probably just as good if Jacob is recommending him.