I found these “robot tags” in an old tote when cleaning our workshop and no one knows what they’re for; can anyone tell?
Yes you had to put your entire robot inside a bag after 6 weeks and you weren’t allowed to touch it again until your event.
Missed the important part:
The tags went on the bag, and you wrote the number down on paper.
If the tag on your bag did not match the last tag recorded on the paper, you got to have a nice little chat with the LRI about why they didn’t match.
If the paper showed impermissible out-of-bag time, you also got a nice chat with the LRI about the out-of-bag time.
Either chat with the LRI often ended with you not opening the bag at the event for some time after the rest of the teams did.
I’m only 25, man. I’m not supposed to feel old yet.
I was there… I was there when it was a thing…
The bag and tag wars. I remember that. Back when we built the robot in six weeks. Cims where all powerful. Driving across time lines to get an extra hour.
Burn them. Quickly.
I’ll snap a pic tonight of our bag and tag form for the final year of that mess… Fun times! You had to bring that to every competition. If you lost it mid season… Idek what would happen? Your robot melts into slag? /S
No, in ye olden days you had to put it in a crate and ship it off.
Yesteryear you had to bag and tag.
In prehistoric times you had to order everything from Small Parts Inc…
The only thing I miss from those days was the excuse to stay really really really late the last week of Build Season and til 11:59pm to bag the thing. Lots of fun memories of slap happy high schoolers frantically testing while coaches are telling them we have two minutes to bag it. Then kindly asking the custodians to sign our form. They stayed with us to lock up. Very important to our teams success.
The most fun I never want to have again…
I miss bag day a little. It was a nice break after build season and gave me a little time to relax
Meanwhile the teams who built two bots kept going. Hence the final killing of the bags. Big disadvantage for teams that didn’t have the resources or bandwidth. I.e. us
Yea, we started doing that towards the end of the bag day years too
We found one a bit ago, I took it home:
When I came back as a mentor last year, I was surprised that none of my team knew what a Cost Accounting Worksheet was.
We still do this unofficially because it’s a good way for the students to learn the value of each subsystem and how expensive parts are. Students have no clue in many cases.
Oh look, the tank tread option
What, Bag and Tag? That wasn’t that long ago, it was only-
Time lines?
The line(s) that divide the time zones. The truly devoted would go to higher latitudes where they were closer together. Pity the fools that lived on the equator. /s