Was your volunteer shirt not "Raising the Bar?"

Well, it was the other day at the doctor’s office, and I had to take off my volunteer shirt. I set it on the chair, and as I was waiting (and boy, did I wait), I realized something.

In the logo on the shirts, my shirt didn’t have “Raising the Bar” on it as seen on the cover of the manual! Anyone know an inside story on that?

The “raising the bar” was added last minute, after the shirts were printed…

they used the shirts they had printed instead of wasting all the volunteer shirts…

Smart move, saves them money!


On that same line of talking about volunteer tshirts…

…does anyone miss the 2000 crew shirts? That is a quality shirt.

Even though I know Atlanta is warm, I’d love to see a return of the non-white shirts.

I’m not familiar with the 2000 shirt, but I do have to admit, white gets messy fast. Especially if they’re feeding you right.

Even gray works better, and I don’t think they’re that much pricier.