Watch out for the Israeli Teams!

check out the Israeli Teams coming to a championship near you:


I’ll try to find pics of all the robots…


Since this is our rookie year, this is our first time in Atlanta. It’s gonna be SICK seeing all the foreign teams! And by foreign, I mean other than Canadians :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey! What do you have against us Canadians? Haha just kidding! I’m so excited for Atlanta and especially for the teams from Israel. Everyone’s so nice to us - I think it’s because the only people that don’t make Canadian jokes at us are the teams not from the US. Not that I have anything against US teams :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi you’re from 1547! apparently you won an award in Israel in 2006 :stuck_out_tongue:

(they mixed you up with 1574 :slight_smile: )


Im supporting Leav with every word… WATCH OUT FOR US! :slight_smile:

Haha absolutely nothing! Half of my friends are canadian. I love people from different backgrounds.

I am sure that the Israeli teams will be in some good matches. Best of luck to all of you and I am sure we will be in the division for some of us.

are there teams from other countries too? cause i heard there were teams in brazil! anybody got any news on foreign competitors (besides canadians. I dont have anything against you, but you’re way closer than israel or brazil!)

Yes, there are teams from Brazil, there was a Brazilian regional on week 3.
The Israeli regional was on week 4.
There are also a couple of teams from the United Kingdom, one from the Netherlands, and i think that even one team from Africa! (Dean showed that out during his speech at the Israel Regional).
I think that in one of the regionals they even announced that next year New Zealand is joining us =]

I think that in one of the regionals they even announced that next year New Zealand is joining us =]

Sounds great!

Can you elaborate more on that ?
Where did you find that information ?

I heard it in one of the webcasts iv’e been watching

Yah I noticed that! We still need to get that fixed…

Dean went to Isreal? That’s pretty cool he went to their regional.

It’s the second time he came. He has also been in Israel at 2005.
After the regional, a meeting with president etc., Dean had a flight to the Hawaii Regional - some distance =]

How many teams are there from Israel?

36 teams competed this year (6 rookies, 30 veterans), and 6 won awards which qualify them for the championship.

All 6 qualifying teams are attending the championship (yey! :slight_smile: )


That’s awesome! I can’t wait to see you guys there!

I love Israel, I’ll be there this summer :slight_smile:

There are 36 teams in Israel; 6 are coming to the Championship:

1577 Steampunks Aviv HS Raanana
1574 Miscar Misgav HS Misgav
1690 Ort Shomron HS Binyamina,
1576 Eroni Chet Tel Aviv
2214 Yamin Orde HS Haifa
2630 Thunderbolts Emek Hefer

Good luck to all our teams in Atlanta.

Just out of curiosity, I was wondering, how are the preparations of the teams going?

When will the teams arrive and how many days are they planning to stay?


We plan to leave Israel on the night between the 14th and the 15th (the flight leaves at 00:48) and stay in come back on a direct flight on the 21st.

when we come back from Atlanta all the Israeli teams are welcome to come celebrate with us the first time an Israeli team wins the championship!! :slight_smile:

BTW we intend to practice this saturday, so if there are any teams that want to come they are invited… it will probably be us and Steampunk but if can arrange a 2vs2 game it will be reallt good for our practice…