Waterloo District Day 2 2022

Let’s hear it…


Hardest pick of my life to make.


Well the alliance you assembled managed to snag the blue banner so you couldn’t have been too far wrong, congratulations! Those Waterloo finals were phenomenal gameplay.


That was an intense day of a lot of strong teams slugging it out - what a great day of competition.

I mean a few weeks ago we were asking “How long until the first 100pt match” and then 3/4 of yesterday’s matches at Waterloo had scores of 100+. The finals came just 2pts shy of all three matches having 100+ pt scores for both alliances.

Alliance picks could have gone all kinds of directions - and almost any combination was going to end up with a competitive field of four elimination alliances. (Half the Elim matches had a point difference of <10)

And then there’s the matter of 4907’s bot who could freakin’ JUMP to the transversal bar as the cherry on top of the insane competition.

Provincials are going to be :fire:


17 teams + 27 qual matches = approximately zero time in the pit once play begins. Pit crews and scouts must have been the unsung heroes of this event. The speed at which repairs need to be made, and data needs to be analyzed, had to be off the charts.

No wonder it was hard to make a pick.


By chance are you referring to day 1 at Waterloo? On day 2 it was 5406, 4678 and 4917 who took home the blue banner.

Day 1 had a record score of 116.

The first practice match of Day 2 had a high score of 130. I knew we were in for a treat from there.


Most intense event I’ve ever been to. The one-day Ontario format, combined with a ridiculous concentration of strong teams on Day 2, made for one of the most competitive district-level events.

From the gate the first practice match had a higher score than any matches on Day 1, and the teams just did not stop from there. Scheduling issues made things a bit messy with little time in the pits and a lot of back-to-backs, but watching the teams give their all despite this was breathtaking.

Quals were just banger after banger, and towards the end of quals some quick changes in the standings shook things up (I believe 5406 went from 5th to 2nd in their last two matches :exploding_head:)

Alliance selection was absolutely ridiculous. Anyone was a good pick, and multiple picks left the venue in shock. By the end of it, the energy in the place was ridiculous - every single series was anyone’s game. Two out of three series went to a tiebreaker, with one of them ending in a tied score game as well. (Because I’m a nerd for this stuff - in Semi 2-1, if the red alliance would’ve scored one more high cargo and climbed to traversal instead of high, the scores would’ve been tied AND all three tiebreakers would be even, resulting in a perfect tie and a replay :wink:)

I cannot think of a single way this event could’ve been a better experience for everyone involved. Of course, there were some unfortunate issues - mostly related to the time crunch of such a rapid-fire event - but the experience was amazing and I am so proud to call the Ontario district (and University of Waterloo itself) my home.

Oh, and the jumping robot. No one will ever forget the jumping robot. Ever.


Oops oh yes, right that was the day 1 event, brain vapour lock. Post in haste with inadequate sleep and repent at leisure! :confused:

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That being said, Waffles is still clearly a force to be reckoned with. Can’t wait to see what they pull off at DCMP should they be attending!


How many practice match were planned? As of today, our 1-day event schedule didn’t make room for any pratice match. It’s gonna be a stressfull start as we will immediatly start our qual matches.

Agreed! They’ve made a very strong bot and are playing extremely effectively, they will be a force at DCMP!

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Ontario events are attempting to ensure every team at an event gets 1 scheduled practice match. This was the case at both Humber and Waterloo. While I don’t know for certain about York, I’d imagine they had a few practice matches for teams too.

Practice matches aren’t a tool just to allow teams to drive around on a real field before qualifications. It also allows FTA’s to help diagnose any comms issues before the 1st qualification match of the day.

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WAFFLES were absolutely ridiculous, both days of the comp. DCMP is going to be truly crazy this year- I might have to step away during exam week to catch some of it if they allow spectators :slight_smile:


At Waterloo they also provided teams a reasonable amount of time for field calibration etc. so hopefully your event does the same. I believe cad123 mentioned in his post but all teams at Waterloo at least got a practice match.


As @Big_frc_fan said, both days of Waterloo had 18 teams (Day 2 had 17, 8081 unfortunately had to drop out last-second). Each team was able to perfectly get one practice match if they were able to attend, and I believe we had one filler team in Practice 3 on Day 2.

In our standard 40-team format, practice matches weren’t exactly as forgiving - from memory at Humber 2020, only 5 or 6 practice matches were scheduled, and FMS had some weird issue where the field had over 5000ms of ping - Karthik had to come over and tell us not to worry about the match.

Didn’t help that our team was on a huge time crunch and that was my only practice as drive team with that bot, but whatever ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Both Humber and Waterloo had 3 practice matches if I recall correctly

Waterloo day 1 had 3 practice matches. We got in our scheduled match + one in the filler line

My team competed on day one of Waterloo and it was a fun experience. Day 2 made Waterloo more spicy. 4907 with that innovating jump was shocking and how intense teams made that day of competition as they are fighting their way to become the 1st alliance captain. Can’t wait for dcmp.

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