Waterloo Regional 2016

This regional gonna be so tough and nobody knows whats gonna happen! Maybe like 2014 or just a whole other story but maybe it will be 1114 and 2056 back together! But this is the one regional where an alliance on practice day can consist of all TeamIFI teams! Any thoughts, comments, or predictions? #WaterwaterwaterLOOLOOLOO #TeamIFI #stronghold

With Waterloo in just a few days, Team 610 is excited to compete at our second, and last regional of the season. It’s been a few years since we’ve attended Waterloo (last time being 2013), but we’re happy to be back and joining in on the competition. As always, we have some pretty amazing teams in attendance, and we know that it’s going to be a great competition as always.

Between the high level of play, the production value, and the talented MCs/GAs, I’ve always loved watching Waterloo. If I wasn’t working another regional this week I’d be glued to the stream for sure.

Good luck to all the teams!

We’re looking forward to it too!

By my count 7 of the 31 teams (almost 25%) attending have been winners at other event, or are pre-qualified. With that many wild cards, It’s very likely that some or all of the finalists at Waterloo will also be invited to champs.

(As a low-goal-specialist team member, I’m also a little awed by the number of competent, accurate high goal shooters in attendance :slight_smile:

I actually count 8!

148 - Original Team, Winners at TXSA, TXDA
1114 - Hall of Fame, Wildcard as Finalist at ONTO
1241 - Wildcard as Finalist at ONTO, EI at ONTO, Winner at ONNB, Chairman’s at ONNB
2056 - Winner at ONTO
3683 - Winner at ONTO2
4039 - Winner at OHCL
4525 - Chairman’s at ONTO
5406 - Winner at PACA

I’m a bit bummed I won’t be able to watch this event live. However, if 2056’s performance at GTR-E was representative of how they will perform at Waterloo, they will probably continue the streak. I’m really hoping that 1114 and 2056 get together after what happened at GTR-E. I’ll be keeping in the loop and try to catch as many matches as I can.

Waterloo is going to be fun to watch !

Add more robot photos if you have them.

Q1 was 142 by red, and Q2 started with a team going through a Class C in Auto and taking a high shot. This will be a crazy regional.

Wow, 1114 managed to push their partner who was sitting dead on the field up the batter for a capture in Q8. Very impressive driving.

they are running close to a 40% capture rate !

Most events average less than a 10% capture rate.

148’s schedule is brutal. They have to play 1114 three times, 1241 twice, 2056 twice, and 610 once.

Match 15 was insane, 139 - 165. You can find at 1:38:30 on the livestream.

That sounds fairly average IMO, there are only 31 teams playing ~12 matches. Match schedules tend to be pretty insane at Waterloo.

I’ve updated the remaining waterloo robots pictures on TBA.

Some of the pictures are grainy webcast screenshots. If someone has higher quality photos, please add the media to TBA.

In Qual 33, 1114, 2056 and 2702 put up 190 points in quals, with no penalties. In playoffs, it would have been 235 points. The match featured:

60 points from auto - 3 crosses and 3 high goals
14 high goals
2 scales as part of the capture
Class C (drawbridge) completely ignored.

Prediction: Waterloo is a deeper field that at least half of the Sub-Divisions, even though it has less than half the teams.

This depends on your definition of “deep”. There’s great teams for sure, but once you get to the second round the firepower goes waayyyyy down. Typically that doesn’t happen as much in “deep” events

The firepower goes down in some championship sub divisions as well. His point was the amount of elite/upper tier bots at this regional are high and compared to some championship divisions, waterloo may have more elite/upper tier bots I think. Obviously you can’t compare a regional with 30 robots and a championship division with 75 robots fairly, there will be differences such as what you mentioned with 2nd picks.

Anyone know if matches are already archived anywhere?

I mean that’s true, but I would describe Waterloo as “top heavy”. My point was more that the teams second and third picks in any subdivision are more competitive than the second picks at waterloo

Not yet.