WCP 2023-24 | Product Release & Updates

Its that time of year! We’ve been working pretty hard the past 6 months and are ready to start rolling out updates & new products. Here is a list of updates:

  • The website will be seeing an update starting 7/18, please bear with us and report any issues to our support email.
  • We are still in the process of diversifying & discontinuing select components in both WCP & VEX lines and placing them here: Discontinued Products – WestCoast Products . This will be a greyt way of picking up items at a significant discount. Many new and exciting WCP components will be releasing shortly.
  • Manuals and other product related info will be migrating to docs.wcproducts.com. We expect full migration to be finished in the next 2-3 months.
  • In the next couple weeks we’ll be introducing a flat rate 2 day service that will benefit customers outside our 1-2 day ground map. The target price is around $20 and will able to to ship items such as: Rounded hex stock, wheels are other small items in express 2 day format.
  • The website will be supporting OnShape files and we expect to have that transition done in the next 3-4 months.
  • WCP Sponsorship will be launching at the end of this month, please keep an eye out for this information. Great way to stay in touch is with our mailer found on the main page (bottom) of the site.

Yes, Charlie is stoked as well!

Other Changes!

New Products!











SuperPit powered by Fabworks → Developed as a collaboration with fabworks, the SuperPit gives teams a competition proven, modular, lightweight, prefabricated aluminum structure to easily assemble into their road case style pits or into their robotics facilities. Available with powder coating and different kit options, the SuperPit allows teams to save valuable time in the offseason.

  • Easy assembly: Allen wrench, screwdriver, wrench, drill.
  • Light Weight: Minimize weight of your travel pit.
  • High Modular: Mix and match bin locations and sizes. Easily adjust year to year. Supports several common setups of bins and parts organizers.
  • Alternative applications: non-road case installation options. Example: Battery rack in the robotics room


WCP has been on a roll this past year, and I cannot wait to see what more comes out of this thread over the coming months!


No fridge option to keep your team chill and hydrated?


Is it just me or does the pricing for the super pit actually feel super reasonable? Cool stuff!


Is your new website going to fix that you can’t zoom in on a picture? At least on all my Android phones its been that way. Click pic it brings up a slightly larger pic but if you go to zoom the pic goes away, it’s very frustrating

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So it says it can’t ship to my address… anyone else have this problem? Tried updating/modifying a number of ways how the address is input. It’s a business address (doesn’t work on a residential one either).

It’ll let me create an order of other items (like belts) and ship them to the same address so I think the system is working otherwise.

“This order can’t be shipped to the address you entered. Review your address to ensure that all fields have been entered correctly and try again.”

edit: this has been fixed on the WCP site. Thanks!

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Could you dm me your address? It could be something wrong with how the shipping is setup on the products. I’ll get it figured out today, these items are drop shipped from fabworks so something funky could be going on.



Reciprocating a thought from above in the thread, why no mini fridge? Think about the potential market you’d tap into with some FIRST students going to college every year. Hope to see this addition in the next WCP product drop! :joy:

Hope you take this valuable input,


I’m holding off for a WCP sweater.


Could yall do a photo of the SuperPit, but actually in Pit form, how it would look at a comp?

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Check out this thread:

SuperPit is extremely close to the HighTide pit structures and just has small improvements from our lessons learned.

There are links/info in the thread to the road cases, tool boxes, tables, and bins that can be used with this setup.


That may be a little challenging for WCP as the finished product is really up to the purchaser. These are only the racks/frame for inside a “typical” superpit setup, the road cases aren’t included. It may also be a little confusing for people unfamiliar with these if they show a road case on the product page (again, because they aren’t included or even offered by WCP)


oh cool, I loved yalls pit at worlds, breathtaking honestly


With a picture of Charlie on it?


Speaking as a coach on the East Coast, the flat rate shipping option sounds awesome.


Maybe he doesn’t want to tick off show ready events or venue staff

With these upper racks for the road cases are the teams using it today loading these up and then folding the top down with all of the contents still loaded inside it?

No, we don’t keep our top half filled. It is too much weight up top already to be flipping up and down let alone adding all weight of the bins and the contents of the bins.


4414 closes and opens ours fully loaded. We don’t have gas shocks or springs. We make sure two mentors are on the corners holding most the weight and have 1-3 students in the middle helping control the motion. Make sure the wheels are locked.

The pit structure comes with panels you can bolt onto the front face to secure everything in (with exception of the top layer which we pull out)