Wcp kraken swerve drive programming

We are a new team (last years rookies) we decided to jump to a swerve drive from WCP. 8 kraken motors with can coders. Our programmers haven’t even done a project using command base programming. Does anyone have a VERY basic and working swerve drive program that we could use to get our heads around this? We don’t have a programmer on the team and having a difficult time on figuring out how to start. Thank you very much for any help

Since you are using Krakens and CANcoders, you can take advantage of the CTRE Swerve Generator


Are you using a pigeon2?

Yes. I believe so

I checked what we had today. I didn’t see a pigeon 2 module, what i saw was a FC-AD-7729 analog frc gyro. Will that work with the tuner X app? I’m checking with the other mentor to see if we have the pigeon 2

Perfect. I saw something about that. Ill check it out. Thanks

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We are not even sure about how to name the motor controllers. Do we only power 1 up at a time, then set the device ID?

You can power them all up at the same time.

There may be a better way, but what I did was used Phoenix Tuner then select a motor and give it a new can Id. Click the blink icon. Once you figure out which motor it is name it. Upload all the new firmware. Then do that to all the motors and encoders.

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Thanks. I will do that

You likely won’t have a good experience with that. I’d recommend getting a pidgeon or if you want to save some coin Redux recently launched an equivalent / better product that would just take a bit of integration with the swerve generator.

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Yeah, that was feeling i got from reading up on it. Just wasn’t sure. I will be sure we get something easily compatible before we get too far. Thanks

I don’t believe its easily possible to integrate non CTRE gyros with the swerve generator, although I haven’t tried myself.


We already ordered the pigeon IMU from AndyMark. I didn’t want to take the chance. :grin: