We don't know how to program our robot to drive

We were able to reformat our roboRio to 2022 software, What is the next step in order for the robot to drive? We’ve found “Driving the Robot with Tank Drive and Joysticks” that is supposed to get the robot working but we do not know how to implement it correctly, what do we do?

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Start here:


I’d call RobotBuilder depreciated at this point, as there is a significant lack of control (and speed) backed away in its very old code. If you can, get started with a officially supported programming language (Java - as it is most probably offered by your school as APCSA) or if you must, Labview - the closest to a block language (though note it’s lack of support recently). @Hollisms sent the link to WPILib, your go to place for programming guides, instructions and more.

Good luck, Vlad

Would agree with @vladb, RobotBuilder was not enough for me when I needed to program the 2021 robot*.

To verify, what motors and motor controllers are you using? Are the controllers on CAN or using PWM connections? That’ll help us steer you in the most correct direction, since most of the modern options have extra libraries to integrate and call on–especially on CAN.

*We were down to three kids with COVID opt-outs, and all of them wanted to wrench. One of them tried to teach herself programming in 2020 and ended up chasing me out of the shop with a foam sword out of frustration. I wasn’t going to risk another round with that sword, nor was I going to risk leaving the team hanging.

@Joe_Ross spends a lot of time keeping RobotBuilder up to date.

Can you explain what you mean by this? Any feedback you have about it would be great either here or on Github.

Either way for the question in this thread I completely agree that Zero to Robot linked above is the right place for a step by step guide of getting the robot initially running.


You may find Zero to Auto videos helpful as well. It’s a resource that the lovely @SeanSun6814 put together, and will take you and your programmers from arcade drive through to some pretty complex autonomous.


PWM connections

Are you planning to use Java programming? If so, our team might be able to help get you started down the right path. Did you get the WPILIb development installed? Maybe we could setup a meeting to discuss and go through the process if you need help with this step.

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You’ve received some good advice already, but I wanted to add that you might also want to look into the FIRST Mentor Network. Also, get in touch with other teams in your area. And please feel free to post specific questions here.

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