we need help..

We have a problem, yesterday we began with the programming, the joysticks worked fine and moved the engines.
Today, we have a problem.

The FRC Robot Controller’s Radio Modem light bulb, is orange.
The Operator Interface’s No Data/Radio light bulb, is blinking red.

What could be the reason?
(can someone provide us with a link that explains how do we operate the conrtollers?)

Thanks! :yikes:

Have you tried here ? - http://www.ifirobotics.com/rc.shtml

I’d start there, then look for white papers?

Many people, including my team, have been having similar problems. Best bet is to call up IFI and have them troubleshoot you–if you can’t figure it out over the phone they’ll probably give you an RMA to send them back and have IFI look at them.