I am wondering where i can publish a team website cheaply or with very little money.
Well, 1and1.com and godaddy.com offer cheap domains and hosting services. Those might be good places to look.
You could always set up your own server if you have a spare computer lying around … although if you think that you will have heavy traffic, you may want to purchase a more powerful machine or service. On the other hand, if you just want a good hosting service, http://www.8tt.org/ is pretty good, with support for PHP, MySQL, and FTP, without ads.
before we got our own domain name I had our site set up through freehostia.com and was very satisfied with that. The main thing with them(for the free hosting) is there is a max file size, but we could put most stuff on their except storing vid files on the server and some other really large files(ppt to be exact file type).
You might want to check out http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24872 . It has information on how to get free hosting for your team, with just having to pay the cost of the domain. It’s what we use on 1065, and it’s very nice for what you’re getting.
If you choose to host your own server on a spare machine, your ISP may not like that. Check on what their policy is before you try to host self-host.
I dont know how their service is but 8tt.org seems to be running a deal that if you use jury as a promo code you can get 100GB storage and 1TB bandwidth for $0.01 per month. I already have service from multiple people but now I’m interested…
-Mike AA
I’ve been happy with GoDaddy’s hosting and Domain services. I’ve been self hosting most of my sites lately, but for high load or high availability sites, I use GoDaddy.
I run 1103’s site, and some personal sites on a previously unused desktop. It doesn’t take a very powerful machine to be a webserver.
If you have a large ISP they may not like it, but if you’re ISP is local they probably won’t have an issue with it. You might even be able to get a new sponsor.