Website Beta Test

Hi guys,
I’ve been working on updating my team’s website and I would love to know what you guys think so far, please leave feedback or questions!


Looks great! I recommend only a few things though (I am assuming its not fully complete, so you are likely gonna add more to the page.)
Make the top buttons change color when you hover over them. This is pretty easy to do in HTML5 and just adds that little extra touch that you may be looking for (you can also put some more team color scheming in by doing that lol)
Also, add a bottom bar that contains contact info and any other information that may be necessary! It looks like you have some of that at the top already, so maybe sponsorship info and things like that. The goal is to make a visitor that it looking for information have a place to get to it easily, but they might have to see a few things along the way. (This will get them interested.)
Also, maybe add a section for upcoming events and competitions, And maybe another for team media of some sort.
Once again, great job!!

Thank You! I will use this

Congratulations on making a nice, clean website.

I only have one suggestion. Add a tab with photos and videos showing off your robots from each year.

Or just add the robot as a “team member” to the annual “meet the team” page.

I wish we took some nice clean photos of the robot from 2015 but i think I have for 2016 and 2017 thanks for all the ideas

Possibly removing the all caps navigation bar to emphasize FIRST you can also make the trademark following smaller
Ill just keep editing this post as I go along.

I notice you use the registered trademark symbol. I use it on my site but if you use it that much it becomes overwhelming. You might want to just ignore the trademarks (because you aren’t claiming it as your own) or attempt to avoid trademarked phrases.

Looks quite good! Informative yet simple with clean navigation.

Some minor quibbles:

  • Under “about us” it says ‘…head over to meet the team’ - that should be a hyperlink.
  • Meet the team is nice, but you might a different sort order for the display, to avoid hurt feelings if the team captain feels he deserves a better spot than a mechanical kid. Alphabetical is fairly neutral, for example. Also check with the school, some prohibit an image with a full first and last name.
  • OK that the calendar is incomplete. I was on a team (over 100 students) that used this extensively to let everyone know what was going on, including parents.
  • I can’t wait until you fill team media with images and links to YouTube videos!

Thank You!
I was able to make the titles of the “About us” and “What is FIRST” clickable also the school is approved with First and Last Names and the team has just liked order of rank for some reason * I think I will remove the last names though

I made some changes let me know what you think. The botom bar where the Weebly branding is will be removed in the coming weeks