Website development - FREE online learning tools

So I’ve been wanting to learn more about website/web-page generation and development and I found what appears to be a great online resource. They have free tutorials on everything from HTML, XHTML and CSS to XML, RSS, Java, VBScript, SQL, ASP, PHP, Flash and much more (and I don’t even know what all of those acronyms are …). From everything I can tell this looks to be a very valuable site but I haven’t had time to explore much yet.

I wanted to get this information out, and all they ask is to help spread the word to keep the lessons free … so here goes …

Check out the W3 Schools website. I would be very interested to hear some feedback from some of you on whether you find this to be a valuable tool …

I think that is a very useful website for quick reference. However, I know of other sites with better tutorials. One I would recommend is:

If you don’t know which languages are best to learn, I would recommend starting with HTML and XHTML, then CSS, then PHP. If you want, you could go back to JavaScript. The rest are additional languages that you can use for certain things, but the ones I mentioned cover just about everything you would need to do.

lotta little cool things on it is geared a little more to visual layout/design, but still a lot of good tutorials

My personal favorite is It’s a great resource for more than just programming tutorials.

Great resource Stu!

Another site for web tutorials is:

For folks who don’t want to do it all by hand, yet cannot afford some of the page development packages, look at Nvu. ( It is an open source multi-platform program that really makes HTML quite simple, especially for those who are just learning. Layout the page graphically, then switch to source editing to tweak it, or to add your scripts. It’s been a big time-saver without costing a dime. - kind of like w3schools but much easier on the eyes, IMO. - Articles mostly about web usability (hugely focused on cross-browser and accessibility mixed with marketing) - Indispensable if you’re working with intermediate/advanced javascript if you want cross-browser compatibility.

Some interesting stuff:

Interesting blog: (actually, all of 37signals is pretty amazing)